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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Android - The new Green!!!

The New OS is here. The Android OS is here.

Welcome to the new power, the power in your palms. Google’s Android has claimed a niche in its arena. Thanks to the Open Source Initiative followed by Google, this OS is open for development by each and every vendor.

Also, change is the motivation for any ‘thing’. Apple did rule(and is still doing so) the bountiful lands of this fertile area cultivated by Nokia (Symbian) and Sony Ericsson (Java) but people are always ready for something new, something different (this need not be necessarily more expensive or meant for the elite). This need was recognized by Google and hence it developed a “no conditions applied” mobile operating system, though it started off with simple search( and indexing) and then moved on to browsers (only recently). The day is not far (or maybe as we are reading this blog) when the next lightweight Operating System may be available in the market freely distributed (no strings attached) seeing the downfall of empires like Microsoft, by Google.

Well, I am no business magnate to predict the fate of these companies nor am I a technology expert to foretell the trend of future technology. But, for the present, let me tell you, Android is ‘in’, it is fast, it is secure, it is affordable, it is light, (oh crap … lemme drop the ‘it is’), not a drain on resources, open for all, customizable, variety and choice available, great for ‘touch’,… and the list would go on. In short, this is an OS that allows you to think Out-of-the-box, and unleashes the nascent creativity within.

Android is awesome, but with a data plan. Any phone can receive and send calls, but an OS is put to test based on its services and how it can take that load. Moreover, Android was released in an era when mobile data charges were being slashed beyond imagination. But mind you, a data plan is quintessential for this OS, because it is capable of that service beyond comparison with other OS'es (though I do not want to get technical here...abstraction is assured).

The following illustrates how important a data plan is for an Android OS:

An Android phone without a data plan is like a school without children(or teachers).

An Android phone without a data plan is like a baby without diapers.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a swimming pool without water.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a car without tyres.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a slice of swiss cheese without holes.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a printer without a cartridge.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a laptop without a battery.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a Disco without music.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a Software Company without an HR.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a project without a PM. ( would be so good!!!)

An Android phone without a data plan is like Nokia without Symbian.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a kitchen without a stove.

An Android phone without a data plan is like a ... and I can go on forever...

So readers, my recommendation:

Go for Android !!! (dont forget the data plan!!!)

P.S. The Blog Owner uses a Motorola Milestone -1 (Android).

Friday, February 25, 2011

A 'Bandh' in Hyderabad

The 22nd and 23rd of February witnessed a Strike/Bandh in Hyderabad. As usual, it was regarding the Telangana issue (which is quite prevalent nowadays) and their demands for a separate state. The TJAC (Telangana Joint Action Committee) has been setup for this purpose (I believe ...). Though I am not much aware about the progress or causes or results or consequences of the Bandh, as any other Citizen of Hyderabad, I have been affected too.

On the outset, the Bandh did strike home to me some important facts about this city. Some which I elucidate here:

1) Hyderabad is really vast, area-wise.
The effects of the Strike was predominant in the Osmania University Area - Tarnaka /Uppal /Sec'bad- like riots between police and students (donno how 'credible' these students are), tear gas usage, etc. However, the areas like Kukatpally, Miyapur, Lingampally, Madhapur, Jubille Hills, Banjara Hills, Tolichowki, Mehdipatnam etc. were so calm that even a feather could not be harmed.

2) IT companies and Software engineers are mechanical.
IT companies, though wary of the situation, just carried on with little (or no) disruption. The day started a bit earlier ( 7:30 AM instead of 9:30 AM) and ended earlier too (4:30 PM instead of 7:30 PM). Other than that, the 'bandh' was just another incident hitting the front pages of the newspaper the next day. Are these guys (and gals) just fed up of the unrest (and care a damn!!!) or is it just their nature to actually not care!!!

3) Bandh comprises of Public transport and Civil Supplies.
Any strike, if organised, would comprise of shutting down the Public transport systems like MMTS, APSRTC etc. Also, petrol pumps were closed for the period (supposedly). However, the pumps were jam-packed on the previous night and they were'n't closed till late noon too. Also, public services were resumed in the afternoon. So, is this a game being played on the public or what?

4) Shopping malls and Cinema halls closed.
I really pity those who had to go home early on these two days and sit at home doing nothing. I mean, for once, you have time, but no place to hang out. Is this the reward we get in return for going to work early in the morning!!! (However, I guess college students were lucky as their exams were postponed ... hey, I dread exams !!!)

Thats all I can think of as of now.

But, a weird sort of inconvenience struck me during the Bandh. I call it 'weird' because I dont think anyone would have faced it. No, its not lack of transport nor lack of access to emergency services (they were all operational, and should be too!!!) etc. My friend's birthday was on 23rd and so we (a gang of 4 guys) decided to visit his house with a cake and wish him in person at 'zero' hour. Unfortunately, no bakeries were available nor were candles or foam!!! With great difficulty, we managed a 'Chocolate Fantasy' cake from Cafe Coffee Day (which was open inside the Infosys Campus), a foam bottle from a general store (donno how he was open) and the candles was a concept worth cherishing ... and ofcourse I was stopped by the police but I had the perfect reason and a valid alibi...(the cake was with me... lol)!!!

The phone shown here is a Motorola Milestone with an application for an Animated Candle (which can be blown off!!!). And yes, my next blog post would be on the Android OS (obviously!!)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Chyawanprash" ki kamal...

Do you fall sick easily?
Are you an indicator of the change in weather (aaah... that was a good one!!!)?
Does every trip to the doctor result in a prescription of Multi-vitamin ( or Vitamin C for that matter) tablets?
Does a visit to the Ice cream parlor make you think twice?
Does the doc always say you have less immunity?
Do you always have a cold/cough/runny nose/sore throat/flu etc?
Is the gym membership only an extra card in your wallet( hey... my hands are up!!!) ?
Is migraines your cup of tea and headaches your mug of coffee?
[Well... my list can go on... so lets move ahead]

I think a daily dose (or two) of Chyawanprash should help you in a great way. Trust me fellows, I was never a fan of this Ayurvedic formula until recently. I used to loathe these ads on TV ( because I thought it was for the rich !!! [what a terrible misconception])]. concerned for my health, my father forced upon me a bottle of 'Apollo Pharmacy Chyawanprash'. i was made to eat a spoon of that dark substance (gooey and sticky) everyday. Hey, I could not say 'No' to my father. And so, I would gulp down the semi solid mass down my throat with great displeasure everyday. the taste used to linger in my mouth and on my palate for quite a long time after swallowing it and that used to hell on earth for me. And the worst part is I had to lick the spoon clean of the loathesome substance.
Days went by and turned into weeks, weeks went by and turned into fortnights, fortnights went by and turned into months. I slowly began to adapt to that sticky substance. I was beginning to develop a penchant for it (of course ... software professional jo hoon main[begin liking what you once hated]!!!). Also, you've got to trust me on this, it did wonders to my health too. I was less prone to the seasonal changes. I was more confident in enjoying the bliss of cold water, the chill of ice cream, the fizz of soft drinks etc. I felt my body was more immune. So... my advise is one should always have a spoon of chyawanprash daily, in the whole family.
There are several brands available in the market. Himani, Dabur, Appollo to name a few (Himani claims to use real gold ... jeez !!!) Almost all of them are the same and their purpose ,too, is the same ( ...and that is to improve immunity). The feeling is awesome when you gulp down a spoonful of the rich mixture (of appropriate proportions). A sense of warmth arises in the tummy (maybe because of the cloves and spices), the sour amla rejuvenates your taste buds and the sense of smell is aroused by the cinnamon and sandalwood. Though I am no ayurvedic practitioner/ stockist/ salesman, I would recommend one and all to try it out. there is no side effects and I assume even people with diabetics and BP can take it too.
So, to close, I would say,
A spoon of chyawanprash a day, keeps the doctor at bay!!!