Welcome to the new power, the power in your palms. Google’s Android has claimed a niche in its arena. Thanks to the Open Source Initiative followed by Google, this OS is open for development by each and every vendor.
Also, change is the motivation for any ‘thing’. Apple did rule(and is still doing so) the bountiful lands of this fertile area cultivated by Nokia (Symbian) and Sony Ericsson (Java) but people are always ready for something new, something different (this need not be necessarily more expensive or meant for the elite). This need was recognized by Google and hence it developed a “no conditions applied” mobile operating system, though it started off with simple search( and indexing) and then moved on to browsers (only recently). The day is not far (or maybe as we are reading this blog) when the next lightweight Operating System may be available in the market freely distributed (no strings attached) seeing the downfall of empires like Microsoft, by Google.
Well, I am no business magnate to predict the fate of these companies nor am I a technology expert to foretell the trend of future technology. But, for the present, let me tell you, Android is ‘in’, it is fast, it is secure, it is affordable, it is light, (oh crap … lemme drop the ‘it is’), not a drain on resources, open for all, customizable, variety and choice available, great for ‘touch’,… and the list would go on. In short, this is an OS that allows you to think Out-of-the-box, and unleashes the nascent creativity within.
Android is awesome, but with a data plan. Any phone can receive and send calls, but an OS is put to test based on its services and how it can take that load. Moreover, Android was released in an era when mobile data charges were being slashed beyond imagination. But mind you, a data plan is quintessential for this OS, because it is capable of that service beyond comparison with other OS'es (though I do not want to get technical here...abstraction is assured).
The following illustrates how important a data plan is for an Android OS:
An Android phone without a data plan is like a school without children(or teachers).
An Android phone without a data plan is like a baby without diapers.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a swimming pool without water.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a car without tyres.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a slice of swiss cheese without holes.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a printer without a cartridge.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a laptop without a battery.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a Disco without music.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a Software Company without an HR.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a project without a PM. (...it would be so good!!!)
An Android phone without a data plan is like Nokia without Symbian.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a kitchen without a stove.
An Android phone without a data plan is like a ... and I can go on forever...
So readers, my recommendation:
Go for Android !!! (dont forget the data plan!!!)
P.S. The Blog Owner uses a Motorola Milestone -1 (Android).