Vallurupalli Nageswar Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology...oooph that was a big name....happened to be started on this very day 13 years ago....ie,11th September 2008.
As a result,the college celebrated it's foundation day by organising a speech by Dr.D.Subramaniam(with a huge list of qualifications...) who happens to be working with the Research and Development of L.V.Prasad Eye Institute...on the topic "20 Basic ideas in Science"....which "fortunately" coincided with the headlines of the day regarding the Big Bang experiment in the Alps Mountains of Switzerland....lucky fellow...
the stage supposedly was occupied by 5 white-haired wisebeards....but a few of their "sense of humour and vigor" deceived their age:-)....initially there was a lamp-lighting session-a tradition occurring for the "first" time in the college....and then there was the the "Vande Mataram" song...and luckily/fortunately the auditorium was filled...donno wat made the students so sincere....that too at VNR..and moreover...only final years were called for the address.....
there were a number of speeches by these "dignitaries"..very vividly expected....which was followed by an award distributing event to the meritorious students of the staff....then came the actual lecture which one and all were "eagerly" waiting for....
he had started off well with a gesture on the principal regarding a cell phone which set the entire audience applauding...beginning with a reference from the newspaper headline.....then he proceeded to proton,nucleus....and actually did pretty well in explaining the elementary theories starting from newton's laws of motion to laws in thermodynamics...then there was a transition to biology....biotechnology...where there came a reference to the IT field....and then genes and chromosomes...a reference to CCMB,come on he works there...and then the theory of evolution...i remembered i had been a chimpanzee but he added i had been actually been a dog and a horse as well...oh god!!!and then it became boring....awfully...and many of them dozed off....and those wide awake were still in a dilemma as to where were the 20 ideas they were there for...well on the whole....the staff and other "VIP"s enjoyed a sumptuous lunch courtesy of the college....oh boy...not bad for a first time...let's see what's in store for next year...

Hey dude...
nicely written..But wht did u do
???..did u listen 2 d lecture??..i doubt ;->
well....some things just cant be revealed:-);-)
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